Episode 5 – Why Politics is Irrelevant

Modern Apocrypha
Modern Apocrypha
Episode 5 - Why Politics is Irrelevant

0-30min Incentives

30-60min What Controls Politics?

https://energematrice6.com/ (promo code Israel for 10% off)

https://northarrowcoffee.co/ (promo code E6 for 10% off)



Episode 4 – Gnosticism and the Dialectic

Modern Apocrypha
Modern Apocrypha
Episode 4 - Gnosticism and the Dialectic

0-10min What the dialectic is

10-14min What gnosticism is

15-20min Our concept of heaven is infected by Gnosticism

20-25min Living under the law

25-35min Who determines good and evil (and reality)

35-45min Examples of Gnosticism

45-50min Lies that make other lies more effective

50+min Proportionality and Ideas

https://energematrice6.com/ (promo code Israel for 10% off)

https://northarrowcoffee.co/ (promo code E6 for 10% off)



Episode 3 – The Second Coming Could Be Called An Alien Invasion

Modern Apocrypha
Modern Apocrypha
Episode 3 - The Second Coming Could Be Called An Alien Invasion

Pre 20 min: Israel, Hamas, and how to deal with people who see the world differently (or are evil?)

20-27 min: Conspiracy Talk

27-42 min: Aliens are spiritual beings, do they use technology? Is Christ’s return an “alien invasion?”

After the break (42min) : Portraying good and evil in fiction

https://energematrice6.com/ (promo code Israel for 10% off) https://northarrowcoffee.co/ (promo code E6 for 10% off)

