
I was recently told by a friend that he felt God had a message for me, namely that I was tending toward the way of the wicked servant in the parable of the talents. (I’ll not print the full text, but it’s at Matthew 25:14-30 for those who wish to reacquaint themselves with it.)

After some self-examination, I find that there is some truth in that estimation. I have not been using the gifts that God gave me as fully as I ought.

As a part of my attempt to right that wrong, I’ve decided that this work, Modern Apocrypha, which I originally started at an unrelated domain and temporarily lost access to when the domain lapsed, must be continued.

Due to the generosity of a new friend, I can continue the blog at its rightful URL.

My hope is, as ever, to share the truths that I have been brought to know in my own life that others might benefit from whatever good is there.

I will be re-assessing and editing previous posts (for clarity, mostly) and rewriting the How, What, and Who sections. As this is currently my best method of sharing the truth, I will also make a habit of adding to it more consistently from now on until and unless I feel God moving me in another direction.

I hope that you (my readers of the future, whoever you might be) find something of value here.